Τhe agenda

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Δημοσιεύσεις: 66942
Εγγραφή: Κυρ 15 Απρ 2007, 01:29
Irc ψευδώνυμο: ArELa
Φύλο: Γυναίκα
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Τhe agenda

Δημοσίευση από ArELa » Τρί 28 Απρ 2009, 00:30

This is a message sent to my by a friend of mine in YouTube.

This is the agenda...you are seeing it now...PLEASE READ...

The EU Offers the Populations of 9 Muslim Countries Free Movement of Goods, Services, Capital and People into the EU.

In return for concrete political and economic changes the EU offers integration in the expanded internal market of the EU and the possibility to obtain free movement for goods, services, money and people.

Association agreements have been made with all partner countries except Syria (Abstract from 28.11.2003 account of Euro Mediterranean Foreign Minister Conference in Naples held on 2.-3.12.2003!!).

Negotiations about Turkish EU entrance began in 2005.

Note: The account was published by the EU-commission 6 days before the Foreign Minister Conference!
So who rules the EU? Read the account here: 6th Conference of Euro-Mediterranean Foreign Ministers Naples, 2-3 December, 2003

Confirmed by the Danish Prime Minister on 29.08.06 in correspondence. However, the Prime Minister twice refused to inform why he, our governments and the media have kept absolutely silent about the Euro Mediterranean Project.

Three weeks after the terror attack in 2001 on the WTO Center in New York, the EU knelt before Islam, and the Euro Mediterranean Project is now being used as a lightning conductor.

'The ministers declined as both dangerous and unfounded any connection between terror and the Arab and Muslim world. In this context the importance of the Barcelona Process was emphasized by everybody as a suitable and recognized instrument to promote a dialogue between equal partners and civilizations.

The ministers agreed to work on deepening the on-going dialogue between the cultures and civilizations, especially wanting to direct attention towards youth, education, and the media'.
Account from the 5.-6.10.2001- Euro Mediterranean Foreign Conference in Brussels

The European Union and the European Council Want to Remove Our Ancient Identity

'Cultural policy must avoid the popular distinction between 'them' and 'us', even mentioning 'the other' , as this opens the gate for imposing collective identity on the individual'.

Traugott Schoefthaler, head of the Anna Lindh Foundation, a Euro Mediterranean propaganda apparatus)
See Dialogue to Hospitality (pdf).

'Identity is the root of all conflicts'

(World Culture Forum Alliance, founded by the Ford Foundation, which is inextricably tied to the US Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA. The EU and the European Council are also attached to the WCFA)

The Danish Foreign Ministry is educating us from our 'stereotypes and prejudices' towards Islamic culture and so reflects the program of the Euro Mediterranean propaganda apparatus: the Anna Lindh Foundation, founded by the Arab League, the EU, European Council, and the UNESCO:

Norwegian Flag EU Model
'We will tackle stereotypes and prejudices and ignorance and change the daily 'news journalism' to portray every-day life of ordinary people, which can create identification and fascination and intercultural understanding. We will tackle our stereotypic images of people from foreign cultures and make new experiments with pictures in public places, in the media, and advertising.

And we will have common projects with people from other cultures. We will develop the intercultural skills of journalists, school pupils and artists and exchange people from these groups with (muslim) colleagues. We will manage art and cultural productions. We will train the school teachers and influence their education to be multicultural.

And we will influence the curricula of the schools to become multicultural by means of revision of existing textbooks and educational materials.

We will arrange giant Muslim Youth Festivals - like the 'Images of The Middle East', which lasted 6 weeks in 2006 in Denmark.

(Also read Speech by the head of the 'Danish Center for Culture and Development' (CKD) - run by the Danish Foreign Ministry - on the 13.05.2005 in Rabat). Olaf Gerlach Hansens speech in Rabat, Morocco 13. Juni 2005 | Danish version

In a correspondence the Danish Prime Minister on the 12.09.2006 refused to inform why his government gives in to the above educational policy initiated the Arab League and the EU.

The EU and the CKD of the Danish Foreign Ministry have made cooperation agreements with the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, which aims according to article 5a of its charter to spread Muslim ways of thinking and living in the entire world. Charter of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - ISESCO | ISESCO aftale underskrevet

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