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Precursor to the Kill Shot: a space shuttle anomaly forced down by a comet shower. A nuke on the North Korean land.
http://www.transients.info/2013/12/majo ... t-9th.html
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Ed Dames: Remote Viewing
Precursor to the Kill Shot: a space shuttle anomaly forced down by a comet shower. A nuke on the North Korean land.
Japan / Fukushima:
Fuk. Is not fixable!
Fuk. Problems will increase and in spring the mainstream media will no longer be able to hide it.
Reactor 3 will go down (break) he gave no time frame.
Japan will economical collapse first --- unknown date
There are 300 safe communities: These people have a wide range of skills and are willing to work together.
Of the 300, only 3 are near cities
In British Columbia there are NO safe areas because of Fuk.
Christ Church, New Zealand is a safe place.
WA, OR, the Only safe place is the middle of eastern part of State.
None in California
Canada—one is Alberta
USA—one is Appalachian mountain
USA, There are 3 in Colorado—not Denver
Check out the forum on “Learn RV” for a longer list.
The flux between the core of the earth and sun will continue
Mini Ice Age will get closer
Alien Contact:
He R.V the contact and found two groups
One is the federation of Planets
Two: Humans who were raised on another planet and then brought back here with advanced tech. Their goal is to monitor the nukes of the world and make sure we don’t kill ourselves.
He says it will take us to be higher intelligence to contact them. We need them to get through the coming times.
There is a structure on the dark side of the moon that is active.
Japan and China get into, most likely over the islands. USA steps in to help Japan. China then lets North Korea “off the letch”. N.K will not most likely use nukes.
We will lose the economic war with China.
He is unknown about Iran.
There are no bright spots for 2014
Western Europe and North America recession will ongoing in 2014
China’s new currency will stay on track, backed by gold (most likely other things as well)
USA loses more and more power on the world stage
Riots could pop up anywhere at anytime
Infrastructure will begin to collapse
Dolphins and Wales are having their immune distressed because of the USA navy and pollution of the sea.
A global collapse will be followed by global pandemic