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Αγγλοεβραισμός, χαμένες φυλές του Ισραήλ, Κέλτες

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ 04 Ιούλ 2009, 16:46
από SeirioAstro
Μανταμ_ΦρουΦρου έγραψε:
Θέλω να ανοίξω ένα νέο θέμα με την θεωρία που θέλει τους αγγλοσάξωνες να είναι απόγονοι των χαμένων εβραικών φυλών,
και οι κέλτες?

εγώ μπερδεύομαι μ'όλα αυτά! Και τί μας νοιάζει απο πού έρχονται δαύτοι? εδώ έχουμε χάσει την δική μας καταγωγή!

Δεν έχουμε χάσει την καταγωγή μας, την σύνδεση με την γνώση μας, την παιδεία μας, τις ρίζες μας και την ιστορία μας έχουμε χάσει, και όχι μόνο εμείς.

Μας νοιάζει και μας κόφτει ΦρουΦρούκα για να κατανοήσουμε κάποια ιστορικά κίνητρα. :wink: Η περιέργεια μου σχετικά με αυτό το θέμα ξεκίνησε 6 χρόνια πριν, όταν σε ένα κέλτικο φόρουμ (συγκεκριμένα Ιρλανδοί και Σκωτσέζοι που όμως έγραφαν και Έλληνες) μπήκε μία μέρα μία περίεργη τύπισσα που δήλωσε Ισραηλινή (οι σιωνιστές έχουν τεράστιους μηχανισμούς προπαγάνδας σε πολλά ξένα φόρα) και άρχισε να τους λέει οτι οι Κέλτες είναι εβραικής καταγωγής όπως και οι αγγλοσάξωνες, και να προσπαθεί τώρα να τους πείσει οτι έχουν σύνδεση με την εβραική φυλή, όπως επίσης και οι Έλληνες!! Μιλάμε για απίστευτη και πολύ ψαγμένη προπαγάνδα. Φυσικά αυτές οι σιωνιστικες μπούρδες ανετράπησαν:

It has become popular amongst Anglo-Israelists to purport that the Tuatha De Danann are indeed the lost Tribe of Dan. This essay debunks that misconception.

Είναι αυτή εδώ:The tribe of Dan of Israel - did the Danites travel to Greece and Ireland, as some seem to claim?

Οι Κέλτες έχουν άμεση σχέση με τους Έλληνες. Η Βικιπαίδεια γράφει για τους μυθικούς Ιρλανδούς Tuatha Dé Danann, οτι δεν συνδέονται άμεσα με τους Δαναούς του Ομήρου, αλλά αυτό είναι λάθος του συγγραφέα του άρθρου γιατι σύμφωνα με τους ίδιους και ο Νταναάν αλλά και ο Παρθόλων, ήταν Έλληνες, άρα έχουμε και άλλες πτυχές της ιστορίας που δεν έχουν εξηγηθεί και δεν είναι γνωστές. Η λέξη δρυΐδης καταρχήν είναι απολύτως αποδεκτό οτι είναι Ελληνική, απο το Δρυς, παρά το γεγονός οτι κάποιοι γλωσσολόγοι για ευνόητους λόγους λένε οτι 'ίσως'' και να είναι, ή οτι είναι κελτική. Έχω εκατοντάδες δικές τους πηγές που το παραδέχονται οι ίδιοι, αλλά για συντομία χρόνου θα βάλω κάποιες βασικές;


The word "Druidae" is of Celtic origin. The Roman writer Pliney the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus) believed it to be a derivative of the Greek word "drus", meaning "an oak." "Dru-wid" combines the word roots "oak" and "knowledge". "Wid" means "to know" or "to see". The oak was an important sacred tree to the Druids. In the Celtic social system, Druid was a title given to learned men and women possessing ""oak knowledge" or "oak wisdom".


The earliest record of the name druidae (Δρυΐδαι) is reported from a lost work of the Greek doxographer Sotion of Alexandria (early second century BCE), who was cited by Diogenes Laertius in the third century C


The etymology of this word from the Greek drous, "oak", has been a favorite one since the time of Pliny the Elder; according to this the druids would be the priests of the god or gods identified with the oak. It is true that the oak plays an important part as the sacred tree in the ancient cult of the Aryans of Europe, and this etymology is helped out by the Welsh word for druid, viz. derwydd. But there is a difficulty in equating the synonymous Irish draoi and Welsh derwydd.

http://www.alanlambephotography.com/Iri ... tholan.htm

Partholan. . .
and his wife Dealgnat, their 3 sons and 1000 followers sailed into Donegal bay on the north-west coast of Ireland 278 years after the great flood about 2678 B.C., they are said to have sailed from “The land of the dead” an area around Greece or north Africa and settled at Assaroe near Ballyshannon county Donegal.
After settling the Partholanians surveyed the land, they cleared forests and diverted rivers to add to the 3 lakes already in existence at that time. They later settled at Moynalty in county Meath and it was here they were to suffer a deadly plague which is said to have wiped out 9000 people in 1 week. All but 1 survived, Tuan he was a son of Partholans brother Starn

http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewart ... horID=2998

The Tuatha De Danaan by David M. Rountree

PART I: Who were the Danaans?


The Tale of the Tuatha De Danaan spans many centuries and surprisingly begins in ancient Greece. There, long before the rise of the Mycenaens, there lived a race of nomads known as the Pelasgians. Tribal in nature, they were sea-farers who claimed to be born from the teeth of the Cosmic Snake Ophion, and the Great
Goddess Danu. Danu, the lovely slender woman with an upturned nose, deathly pale face, lips as red as rowan berries, eyes of startling blue, and long fair hair. Able to transform into a sow, mare, bitch, vixen, she-ass, weasel, serpent, owl, she-wolf, tigress, mermaid, or loathsome hag. The names Danae, Don, Dana, and her finale Greek manifestation.....The Pelasgians ruled Greece for many years until the coming of the Achaeans, who invaded Thessaly from Syria in about 1900 B.C. The
Achaeans were patriarchal herdsmen who worshipped the Indo-European trinity of gods Mitra, Varuna, and Indra. They would later evolve into Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, as the Achaeans would evolve into the Mycenaen Greeks. They conquered Greece and tried to destroy the semi-matriarchal Bronze age Pelasgians, but failing
that…simply assimilated them through compromise, accepting matrilineal succession, and even accepting the Great Goddess herself. However, not all of the Pelasgians were content to stay. A loose confederation of tribes fled, adopting their nomadic ways on a grand scale, departing from Greece altogether. Some would roam the
Mediterranean Sea, sacking Cnossos in 1400 B.C. These tribes would become the Ionians, and they would people Lesbos, Chios, Cnidos, Thrace, and Troad. In time they would unite with the Phoenicians, Philistines, Mitanni, Jebusites, Amorites, and the Hittites to attack Egypt, where they would be crushed my the Pharoah Ramesis III,
who by the way names them the Danuna on his temple walls in 1187 B.C. Homer spoke of them as the Danaoi. Herodotus would mention the Syrian Achaean invasion of Greece in the first paragraph of "History". He also mentions the capture, by the Phoenicians of the Danaan Shrine of the White Goddess Io at Argos, then the religious capital of the Peloponnese (the Cretans had colonized it in about 1750 B.C.). Herodotus does not date the event other than by placing it before the Argo expedition to Colchis, which the Greeks date at 1225 B.C., and before Europa went from Phoenicia to Crete, a tribal emigration which occurred earlier, prior to the sacking of Cnossos in 1400 B.C. But it is of the northern fleeing confederation of Pelasgian tribes who called themselves the Tuatha De Danaan that we follow from here....

Κάνω μία περίληψη στην πολύ σωστή ερώτηση σου για τους Κέλτες. Οι Κέλτες είναι οι γηγενείς κάτοικοι του νησιού της Βρετανίας, με κάποιες μικρές μετέπειτα επιρροές και απο τους Βίκινγκς στα βορειοανατολικά του νησιού. Οι αγγλοσάξωνες ήρθαν μετέπειτα ξεκινόντας απο τον 3ο με 4ο αιώνα μΧ, υποτίθεται γερμανικής καταγωγής. Γερμανοειδή γενικότερα ήταν όλα αυτά τα φύλα που αργότερα γνωρίσαμε σαν τα βορειοευρωπαικά παιδιά που ξέρουμε.


The meaning formerly given to Tuatha De Danann was “the men of science who were gods,” danann being here connected with dan, “knowledge.”

Σε ένα άλλο κέλτικο φόρουμ γράφουν το εξής απο το βιβλίο του James MacKillop - Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology:

Falias, Faillias. One of the four cities of the Tuatha De Danann, along with Gorias, Findias, and Murias, whence they came to Ireland. Morfessa was the instructor of learning here. In their departure the Tuatha De Danann took the magical stone Fal with them.

Fal. Name cited in the Dindschenchas for a ceremonial stone found at Tara from pre-Christian through medieval times. Although it is known in Irish as Lia Fail, literally 'Stone of Fal' or idiomatically, 'Stone of Destiny', that term may also denote seveal other stones. Rival traditions claim that (a) the Tuatha De Danann or (b) the Milesians brought Fal to Ireland. ...

Findias, Finias, Findrias. One of the four great mythical cities, along with Falias, Gorias, and Murias, from which the Tuatha De Danann were said to have emigrated.

Findrias. Spelling of Findias favoured by W. B. Yeats.

Gorias. A mythical city 'somewhere in the northern isles of Greece', whence the Tuatha De Danann brought their treasure. Esras of Gorias gives Lug Lamfhota his invincible spear.

Murias. One of the four great cities of the Tuatha De Danann, from whence came the great cauldron of the Dagda.

Tir. Irish word for land, first element in countless real and imaginary place-names, previously anglicized as Tyr-.

Tir na nOg, Tir nan Og, Tir na n-Oc, Tir na n-Og, Tir-nam-Oge, Tir na Nog; also Eilean na nOg [Ir. og, youth: i.e. Land of Youths]. Land of Youth or the Ever-Young, in early Irish tradition. The most widely known of all the otherworldly lands (Tir) from early Irish tradition, probably because of its portrayal in Michael Coimin's 1750 Irish-language poem Laoi Oisin i dTir na nOg [The Lay of Oisin in the Land of Youth], wherein the Fenian hero Oisin spends 300 years with the beautiful Niamh of the Golden Hair without knowing sickness, age, or decay, and thinks it but a day until his return to the realm of mortals. Bran also visits the land in Imram Brain [The Voyage of Bran]. Earlier Tir na nOg is one of the many lands thought to have been settled by the demi-divine Tuatha De Danann after their defeat by the Milesians. Although Tir na nOg should lie beyond the confines of any map, it is often perceived to be west of Ireland. Long-standing oral tradition places its entrance at Liscannor Bay, C. Clare, south of the cliffs of Moher. In 1861 Bryan O'Looney wrote that Tir na nOg was a beautiful city surrounded by white breaking waves between Liscannor and Lahinch. It is also associated with a cave on Knockadoon Island in Lough Gur and Rathlin Island, north of Co. Antrim.

Tuatha De Danann, ...
Descended though eleven generations from the Nemedians, the Tuatha De were thought to have come from 'Greece' but to have learned magic and druid lore, draiocht, in remote northern lands. Their former homes were four magical cities: Falias, Findias, Gorias, and Murias. From them they take their principal treasures: from Falias Fal or Lia Fail, the stone of destiny, which cries out under a lawful king; from Findias the sword of Nuadu, which allows no one to escape; from Gorias Gae Assail, the spear of Lug Lamfhota, which guarantees victory; from Murias the caldron of the Dagda, which leaves everyone satisfied. ...

Μάλιστα η λίστα με Έλληνες ήρωες της Ιρλανδικής μυθολογίας βγάζει και άλλα πράγματα:


Όπως αντιλαμβάνεστε, εδώ οι ξένοι φίλοι μας γράφουν τρομερά πράγματα, που εμείς δεν ξέρουμε καν. Εχω και άλλες πάρα πολλές πηγες, αλλά δεν έχει νόημα να τις παραθέσουμε όλες.

Εαν ισχύει η θεωρία οτι οι Σιωνιστές είναι απογονοι των Ατλάντων και οτι μέχρι σήμερα η μάχη διαφθοράς και διάβρωσης εναντίων του Ελληνικού πνεύματος δεν σταμάτησε ποτέ και δεν είναι κάτι νέο, αλλά συνέβαινε ανέκαθεν, και έχουν βάση οι ισχυρισμοί των εβραιοαγγλων οτι είναι οι απόγονοι των ''χαμένων φυλών'', εξηγείται άμεσα και η σχέση αγάπης μεταξύ των αγγλοσαξωνικών κρατών και του Σιωνισμοί, και η άνθιση της Μασωνίας στο νησί της Βρετανίας και μετέπειτα στο λυόμενο που ονομάζεται Αμερική,και η επεκτατική - ιμπεριαλιστική-αποικιοκρατική φύση της αγγλοσαξωνικής φυλής, και το γεγονος οτι αποτελούν το κέντρο κάθε διαστρέβλωσης και κακής χρήσης σε ότι έχει και είχε σχέση με την Ελληνική ιστορία και την ανθελληνική τους πολιτική απέναντι στην Ελλάδα, και την υποστήριξη τους σε κάθε μας αντιπαλο. Εμένα προσωπικά αυτά μου ενώνουν πολλά κομάτια απο το παζλ, και δεν αποκλείω τίποτα απολύτως αφου είναι πλέον αδιαμφισβήτητο γεγονός οτι η ιστορία που ξέρουμε,πέρα απο νοθευμένη, είναι και τρομερά μα τρομερά ελλειπής. Ας μην ξεχνάμε άλλωστε οτι η Ελλάδα, είναι η μοναδική χώρα στον κόσμο που τα αρχαία χρονικά της περιγράφουν όχι έναν, αλλά τρεις κατακλυσμους, και σύμφωνα με τις Κελτικές παραδόσεις, οι Έλληνες του Παρθόλωνα έφτασαν στο νησί για δεύτερη φορά μετά την πλημμύρα που περιγράφεται στην Βίβλο, δηλαδή την τρίτη και τελευταία, και οι πρώτοι είχαν έρθει πριν απο αυτή!

http://www.celticnetwork.com/culture/my ... holon.html


In Celtic mythology the Partholonians were the second group of people to settle in Ireland, but they were the first to arrive after the biblical Flood. Not much was written about these people. Partholonians were said to have come to Ireland from the west, from the Land of the Dead. The Partholonians arrived 312 years after Cesair and her followers. The Partholonians were named after their leader Partholon, son of Sera, who was the king of Greece. Partholon fled from Greece, after murdering his own father and mother. Partholon had lost his left eye in the attack on his parents. Accompanied with his wife Dealgnaid and a group of followers, they reached Ireland after wandering for seven years.

Οι Anglo-Israelists φυσικά προπαγανδίζουν το αντίθετο και πάνε να συνδέσουν τους Έλληνες με τον..Αβρααμ. Καλά... :shock:

http://pagan-journeys.blogspot.com/2006 ... klore.html

Οι ξένοι φίλοι μας το πάνε ακόμα πιο μακριά απο ότι θα τολμούσαμε να το πάμε εμείς, και μιλάνε για την εκδοχή σύμφωνα με το μυθικό βιβλίο των Εισβολών,οτι οι Έλληνες ουσιαστικά ήρθαν όταν η Ιρλανδία, ήταν...Ατλαντική αποικία!

Βέβαια για να ακριβολογώ, σήμερα οι Κέλτες θυμίζουν κάπως την δική μας κατάσταση, ψάχνονται και εκείνοι να ξεδιαλύνουν κάποια πράγματα όσον αφορά την ιστορίας τους.

The Tuatha De Danann (children of the Goddess Danu) succeeded in their invasion of Ireland. Some legends say they came from the sky, and others say they came from some far away island (possibly even the mythical island of Atlantis). They came from four great cities: Finias, Murias, Gorias, and Falias. They were skilled in poetry and magic, and brought with them four great treasures: Nuada's sword from Findias, Lugh's spear from Gorias, the Dagda's cauldron from Murias, and the Stone of Fal (Stone of Destiny) from Falias.

The Atlantis Myth: How Plato's Atlantis became a myth

[από το τόπικ Οι Εβραίοι (για τυχόν σχολιασμούς). Το άρθρο προτάθηκε εδώ]