Massive social networks and personal data.

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Divine Sinner

Massive social networks and personal data.

Δημοσίευση από Divine Sinner » Τρί 26 Μάιος 2009, 22:17

The sites which hosts private videos and the and the other sites of social connections where the
users log in with their name or their full names are written in their public profiles and their share their photo
are created only for one reason.
not to make you find your old friends. not even for the adds.
thus sites are promoted by the NWO to share your personal data.
so when the coverments make a law which limits your privacy.
They argumentation will be as follows:
What do you care about this law. You already share my personal data on the internet.
So this users and their childrens will be get used to live under the eye of the "big brother",
and they will give up their right to privacy voluntarily.

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