The Neanderthal hypothesis

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Εγγραφή: Παρ 08 Οκτ 2010, 17:58
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The Neanderthal hypothesis

Δημοσίευση από firefightergr » Δευ 13 Μάιος 2013, 08:55

If it's true, then war is inevitable, and it’s long past time to fight

23rd August 2010

The whole world is puzzled by the undisguised insanity that seems to pervert and pollute every news story in the world. Why would they deliberately poison the ocean? Why would they bomb innocent countries? Why do they poison food, foul the air, and produce supposedly beneficial medicines that, when studied carefully, always seem to contain hidden, time-delayed poisons?

Why are they deliberately trying to kill our own children?

But before the why comes the who. Many of us have spent decades trying to identify the perpetrators, and a lot of us think we have a pretty good idea who is behind all these contrived atrocities that have ruined our lives down through the centuries.

Among the greatest exposers of these tragedies have been Jewish turncoat writers, who betrayed their own sick dogma to prove they were human beings, too.

Benjamin Freedman, in his famous 1961 Willard Hotel speech, still has written the best description of why World War I started. Arthur Koestler made famous the notion that Jews were not Hebrews, they were Russians and other assorted Yiddish Eastern Europeans. More recently, Shlomo Sand has convincingly detailed how there was no Jewish culture to begin with, and how it was cobbled together from cutthroat refugees from around the world, and an entire history of Judaism was created out of sadistic fantasy that now strangles the world with its bogus and misdirected hatred.

But another Jew, one my age and our generation, Michael Bradley, may just exceed these humane Jewish-human patriots with the scope and profundity his stunning hypothesis.

Jews are the remnants of the Neanderthals, he says, nearly rubbed out by the CroMagnons 7500 years ago, and nursing a deathless hatred of their enemies, who today are all the non Jews of the world.

Bradley, a Jewish writer, warns us:

“It is time for the non-Semitic peoples of the world to come together in a multi-racial alliance under one banner in order to severely limit Semitic activities before they put an end to us and everything else on the planet. . . . However, I will warn everyone that it may well be too late.”

In two astonishing books, Bradley writes of the CroMagnon slaughter of Neanderthals c. 5600 BC. Remnants of the nearly extincted hunchbacks retreated to deep in the impenetrable mountains of the Caucasus, where their vengeful retribution has been felt in every area of human endeavor ever since.

Bradley figures monotheism is a Neanderthal plot to more efficiently control the people who are targeted as the hosts of their parasitic perversities, with the implication that all of human civilization has been influenced by the predispositions of Neanderthal DNA.

DNA samples prove that Semitic populations are possessed of up to 70 percent of Neanderthal DNA, which accounts for why what is now the nation of Israel has been the epicenter of world violence since most ancient times, Bradley concludes.

He insists that today’s Jews who are plundering the world on every level of reality and calls for a multi-racial analysis of this thoroughly perfidious group, which is now busy destroying the world by its control of money and all the governments of the world.

“This is precisely what I argued in The Iceman Inheritance (1978), Chosen People from the Caucasus (1992) and what Erik Trinkaus at least inferred in his The Neandertals of 1992. However, my own calculations indicate that some Middle East Semitic populations approach 50 percent Neanderthal and in some very specific small areas, 70 percent Neanderthal. Given the usually modest Semitic populations in mountain valleys and arid landscapes of the Caucasus Middle East, this sort of Neanderthal DNA concentration among some groups would not affect that "1 to 4 percent" of the total world population very much.”

On his website, Bradley presents an astonishing conclusion:

“In my view, there are two major subspecies of technical ‘humanity’ presently contending for the domination of our world. “

“Their “chosen people” pretension is a typical Neanderthal in-group obsession that is actually a genetic racist predisposition against all other humans. It is a genetically determined “us against them” mentality. Their higher level of known Neanderthal aggression against outsiders is responsible for their disproportional social influence wherever they have settled in the West. . . . The Ashkenazi Jews, as a group, exhibit lingering Neanderthal traits most strongly among living Caucasians because of Jewish prohibitions against marriage with outsiders. Their Neanderthal genes have been kept “all in the family”, as it were. These Neanderthal genes were not diluted by intermarriage nearly as much as with most other Caucasians.”

According to Bradley, the Neanderthal heritage of modern- day Jewish people explains much about their ongoing problems with not only the native people of Palestine but with other people on the planet. He writes:

“This unfortunate combination of high aggression combined with a tendency toward emotional instability and hysteria when they feel nervous or threatened . . . which is all the time when they are not in absolute control. And they are arrogant, but uneasy, even then. An ethnic symptom of this emotional instability is the Jewish tendency toward hypochondria. Even they cannot (yet) control death. This unfortunate combination of high aggression combined with a tendency toward hysteria and emotional instability has proved to be a dangerous and tragic situation over the course of Western history. Their aggression encourages continual Jewish attempts to control societies, while the emotional instability makes it difficult for most Jews to distinguish reasonably between justified social criticism by their non- Jewish neighbors and attacks.”

“Insensitive even to objective concerns about inordinate Jewish influence in societies, and reacting with hysterical aggression to any such supposed “attack” on their behavior and pleas from non-Jews to limit it, Jews have always provoked violence against themselves. And then they, with much emotional satisfaction, feel victimized and attribute the situation to innate “anti-Semitism” among their neighbors.”

For more about his work (and the availability of his books on the origins of the Neanderthals, as well as other topics), refer to Bradley’s website at
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.
John Milton"
“It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.”
Diane Grant
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"Δεν παίζεται" Ιδεογραφίτης
"Δεν παίζεται" Ιδεογραφίτης
Δημοσιεύσεις: 4070
Εγγραφή: Παρ 08 Οκτ 2010, 17:58
Φύλο: Άνδρας
Τοποθεσία: ΔΡΑΜΑ
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Re: The Neanderthal hypothesis

Δημοσίευση από firefightergr » Δευ 13 Μάιος 2013, 09:09

Stan Gooch & the Neanderthal Legacy

"Ultimately Gooch developed a framework and theory of human personality in terms of dualities, such as unconscious versus consciousness, religion versus science, magic versus logic, dreaming versus waking. In his list are two key comparisons: psychic phenomena versus materialism, and Neanderthal man versus modern man.9

Gooch’s great insight was that while modern humans might manifest occasional psychic phenomena,10 Neanderthals “certainly possessed abilities in respect of the purely paranormal that far exceeded our own.”11 According to Gooch, we modern humans are literally the result of the dualities coming together, the biological interbreeding of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons (that is so-called “modern humans,” Homo sapiens) and the melding of Neanderthal religious beliefs and cultural practices with Cro-Magnon societal elements even as Cro-Magnons may have come to physically dominate, and even apparently exterminate, the earlier Neanderthals." ... hal-legacy

Hybrid-origin theory

Total Man was followed by Personality and Evolution (1973) and The Neanderthal Question (1977). In these books, Gooch develops what would become known as the "hybrid-origin theory". The theory as represented in Guardians of the Ancient Wisdom (1979) can be outlined as follows:

1. From other human species, Cro-Magnon man evolves in Northern India during a long period of isolation, develops and practices sun worship and hunting magic; the culture is patriarchal.
2. Elsewhere during the same period, different forms of Neanderthal man evolve in Europe and the Middle East, while moon worship and earth magic is developed and practiced; the culture is matriarchal.
3. Around 35,000 years ago, Cro-Magnon abandons India and heads west through the Middle East into Europe, overrunning Neanderthal. By 25,000 years ago, the predominant type in Europe is Cro-Magnon.
4. In the Middle East a hybrid population, a cross between the Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal types, emerges. Pure Neanderthal has largely ceased to exist either here or in Europe.
5. By 15,000 years ago, pure Cro-Magnon man has also ceased to exist, driven out of north and west Europe, into southern Europe, by renewed glaciation, absorbed by the hybrid type (that is, modern Homo sapiens).
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.
John Milton"
“It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.”
Diane Grant
"sursum corda"

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