The myth of Prometheus and the Fall of Lucifer
- firefightergr
- "Δεν παίζεται" Ιδεογραφίτης
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 4070
- Εγγραφή: Παρ 08 Οκτ 2010, 17:58
- Φύλο: Άνδρας
- Τοποθεσία: ΔΡΑΜΑ
- Έλαβε Likes: 6 φορές
The myth of Prometheus and the Fall of Lucifer
The myth of Prometheus has always fascinated me, and at the same time, raised a series of reflections and doubts, so much so that I can see you more often than coincidences or similarities, or whatever, between this myth and the fall of the angel Lucifer. Prometheus is a Titan, one of those forces of nature that Zeus tamed and ordered, but is, also, the very nature of where you get around a set mankind as a primordial instinct, animal, that the intellect.
Lucifer has been described as the rebel angel, one who out of pride, according to Biblical tradition and Christian approaches in the light of God, wanting to be like him, and therefore, condemned to darkness forever. The rebellion against God, is read as "evil," then Lucifer over the millennia, has assumed the form, the image, anthropomorphized evil.
Very often, what we call the "myth", is an intimate projection adapted to define a state of things, kind or another, not otherwise decipherable with the technical and scientific tools at our disposal, and where even the philosophical and metaphysical speculation, and stumbles remains silent, or, in Hegelian, leaves a door open. Still too often, in our judgments, assessments or other, we are conditioned by cultural and religious backgrounds that we carry and also in part, painful and convinced declaration of secularism runs aground off to that "myth" that for millennia rages , it is transposed into tragedies, dramas and more.
Probably it was the curiosity of the meaning of names, and at the same time, the direction of the efforts of his supposed protagonists, Prometheus and Lucifer, to give impetus to a debate that should, or should, be separated from any religious tie, or in any so, refer to the facts, the latter understood as almost meticulous analysis of the legend and the "myth".
Prometheus (who provides), has been called the progenitor of mankind, that is the one who brought humanity out of a condition of pure animality, leading it through the discovery of fire, in the recognition, discovery of "self" intellectual and "human", meaning "I" thinking and therefore able to offer and the ability to pose problems and, through reasoning sometimes complex to solve, or at least set out on the road to their solution.
Fire is heat and light, but also gathering around a campfire, where the dance of the flame, hypnotized, stimulates the word, the story, the confrontation of ideas and to reflect on their status. The darkness, lit by the firelight, stimulates questions that require answers. The existence, a mere survival, not just as a human race that begins to look around, and this is "around" that he learns to recognize. A "around" the fact of their peers, they learn to recognize the word, and to express her feelings without fear, pain and anger, but also of affection, and shared feelings.
Prometheus took pity on mankind and, therefore, condemned to eternal torment: an eagle eats his liver (among the ancients, considered the seat of the strength and courage, and the seat of divine responses), which grows in the night to be eaten again. We, here, read the metaphor of a mankind that they do not give the fury of an offended God because humanity has dared raise their heads and get a gift that brings it closer, facing the rest of nature, the more he that the rest of creation. Nothing can the divine hand (the eagle) erase the progenitor of mankind, and with him the rest of humanity. The fire has placed humanity in a position to defend themselves at the cost of infinite pain that survives in the hatreds, the fears and uncertainties that, atavistic, continue for centuries to follow.
Lucifer (light bearer), is the brightest angel. According to a pre-Christian tradition is associated with the Aurora and Venus, the morning star. In Isaiah (14: 4,12) is associated with Nebuchadnezzar (".... as you fell from heaven, Lucifer, son of Dawn? '). St. Jerome and other doctors of the Church, associate it with Satan (the adversary). Here, then, the meaning which puts him, yes, in the religious dimension. The name Lucifer has, in my opinion, a broader meaning, which makes it available in time and space, going, like Prometheus, than the myth. Lucifer is not, as you believe, "the shining" but he who bears the Light, and this could be seen both as a bearer of light of intellect that illuminates the darkness of ignorance, and as the light of an intimate knowledge that makes the man, but not unlike any other living creature.
The myth of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to eat the fruit, had the ability to discern Good from Evil, well s'affianca to that of Prometheus, where the fire has taken the place of the forbidden fruit. Unlike the myth of Prometheus, was more like a literary level, that of Lucifer has evolved, having received a boost from theological speculation on the genesis of evil, hence the association with Satan, the adversary. The rebellion to the will of God, is viewed as the first disobedience, which is followed by an exemplary punishment, seen as the banishment from his presence and eternal condemnation to the darkness.
According to legend, here the similarity with the myth of Prometheus, Lucifer and his took pity of mankind, forced to wander the earth, and asked the other angels closest to God, intercede for men, so their data were the possibility of out of the darkness. The other angels, says the legend, too lost in contemplation of the majesty of God, did not report the supplication, so that Lucifer and his followers, disobeying, came down to earth bringing "light" to humanity, in which replacing God as Prometheus was substituted to the gods, and disobeying considering himself equal to him. The legend goes that God, having knowledge of the work of Lucifer, condemned, he and his family to live on earth among humans.
The fall in the dark should be read in this light: not underground, but by the eternal light of God's image, the fall takes place on earth, including humans and their fears and then, as before, in absolute darkness . Where is the similarity? According to the myth, both were men of piety. To do this, disobeyed the divine desires, the place of the gods, and paying for this but, if on one hand the myth of Prometheus in a positive resist, helped in this by its position between classical myths and allegories, the question for Lucifer is different. Both gave rise to mankind, with its imperfections, fears, sorrows. The monotheistic religions are moving on a flawed dualism, between the struggle of Good and Evil, where, alternatively, one or the other wins. Unlike the ancient Greeks who assigned a deity to every manifestation of nature, monotheism assigns to the Good God and Lucifer (Satan, the adversary) to bad but it is through myth, both events, Prometheus and Lucifer, have equal value in to mankind.
Well God is understood as absolute and unlimited perfection, his ways are inscrutable, like the image and the drawings, although they may be tortuous and incomprehensible, always lead to good. Lucifer, however, is free will, disobedience to a street, as inscrutable, is directed to the Good, and that is not granted to him to know. Rebelling against God, but, above all, trying to replace him, commits an impiety, hence the identification with the absolute Evil. Unlike Prometheus, the figure of Lucifer, has been absorbed, metabolized, philosophy, and theology first, then coming up to us as the negative image of excellence. Surely the myth leaves ample room for reflection, outside of every form of religion, not least those that lead back to the why of Evil and Good.
Both Prometheus and Lucifer, and according to myth, have brought humanity to reflect on itself, providing a means of knowledge, and also the ability to discern what is Good and what is bad, but, as regards " use "of either, what I have left is the" free will ", or better, but leaving the instruments offered the opportunity of choice. The way in which humanity is doing can not be, if you want to follow the myth, leaning neither the one nor the other. ... i-lucifero
Gnostic explanation of Yahweh,Lucifer & creation
Lucifer has been described as the rebel angel, one who out of pride, according to Biblical tradition and Christian approaches in the light of God, wanting to be like him, and therefore, condemned to darkness forever. The rebellion against God, is read as "evil," then Lucifer over the millennia, has assumed the form, the image, anthropomorphized evil.
Very often, what we call the "myth", is an intimate projection adapted to define a state of things, kind or another, not otherwise decipherable with the technical and scientific tools at our disposal, and where even the philosophical and metaphysical speculation, and stumbles remains silent, or, in Hegelian, leaves a door open. Still too often, in our judgments, assessments or other, we are conditioned by cultural and religious backgrounds that we carry and also in part, painful and convinced declaration of secularism runs aground off to that "myth" that for millennia rages , it is transposed into tragedies, dramas and more.
Probably it was the curiosity of the meaning of names, and at the same time, the direction of the efforts of his supposed protagonists, Prometheus and Lucifer, to give impetus to a debate that should, or should, be separated from any religious tie, or in any so, refer to the facts, the latter understood as almost meticulous analysis of the legend and the "myth".
Prometheus (who provides), has been called the progenitor of mankind, that is the one who brought humanity out of a condition of pure animality, leading it through the discovery of fire, in the recognition, discovery of "self" intellectual and "human", meaning "I" thinking and therefore able to offer and the ability to pose problems and, through reasoning sometimes complex to solve, or at least set out on the road to their solution.
Fire is heat and light, but also gathering around a campfire, where the dance of the flame, hypnotized, stimulates the word, the story, the confrontation of ideas and to reflect on their status. The darkness, lit by the firelight, stimulates questions that require answers. The existence, a mere survival, not just as a human race that begins to look around, and this is "around" that he learns to recognize. A "around" the fact of their peers, they learn to recognize the word, and to express her feelings without fear, pain and anger, but also of affection, and shared feelings.
Prometheus took pity on mankind and, therefore, condemned to eternal torment: an eagle eats his liver (among the ancients, considered the seat of the strength and courage, and the seat of divine responses), which grows in the night to be eaten again. We, here, read the metaphor of a mankind that they do not give the fury of an offended God because humanity has dared raise their heads and get a gift that brings it closer, facing the rest of nature, the more he that the rest of creation. Nothing can the divine hand (the eagle) erase the progenitor of mankind, and with him the rest of humanity. The fire has placed humanity in a position to defend themselves at the cost of infinite pain that survives in the hatreds, the fears and uncertainties that, atavistic, continue for centuries to follow.
Lucifer (light bearer), is the brightest angel. According to a pre-Christian tradition is associated with the Aurora and Venus, the morning star. In Isaiah (14: 4,12) is associated with Nebuchadnezzar (".... as you fell from heaven, Lucifer, son of Dawn? '). St. Jerome and other doctors of the Church, associate it with Satan (the adversary). Here, then, the meaning which puts him, yes, in the religious dimension. The name Lucifer has, in my opinion, a broader meaning, which makes it available in time and space, going, like Prometheus, than the myth. Lucifer is not, as you believe, "the shining" but he who bears the Light, and this could be seen both as a bearer of light of intellect that illuminates the darkness of ignorance, and as the light of an intimate knowledge that makes the man, but not unlike any other living creature.
The myth of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to eat the fruit, had the ability to discern Good from Evil, well s'affianca to that of Prometheus, where the fire has taken the place of the forbidden fruit. Unlike the myth of Prometheus, was more like a literary level, that of Lucifer has evolved, having received a boost from theological speculation on the genesis of evil, hence the association with Satan, the adversary. The rebellion to the will of God, is viewed as the first disobedience, which is followed by an exemplary punishment, seen as the banishment from his presence and eternal condemnation to the darkness.
According to legend, here the similarity with the myth of Prometheus, Lucifer and his took pity of mankind, forced to wander the earth, and asked the other angels closest to God, intercede for men, so their data were the possibility of out of the darkness. The other angels, says the legend, too lost in contemplation of the majesty of God, did not report the supplication, so that Lucifer and his followers, disobeying, came down to earth bringing "light" to humanity, in which replacing God as Prometheus was substituted to the gods, and disobeying considering himself equal to him. The legend goes that God, having knowledge of the work of Lucifer, condemned, he and his family to live on earth among humans.
The fall in the dark should be read in this light: not underground, but by the eternal light of God's image, the fall takes place on earth, including humans and their fears and then, as before, in absolute darkness . Where is the similarity? According to the myth, both were men of piety. To do this, disobeyed the divine desires, the place of the gods, and paying for this but, if on one hand the myth of Prometheus in a positive resist, helped in this by its position between classical myths and allegories, the question for Lucifer is different. Both gave rise to mankind, with its imperfections, fears, sorrows. The monotheistic religions are moving on a flawed dualism, between the struggle of Good and Evil, where, alternatively, one or the other wins. Unlike the ancient Greeks who assigned a deity to every manifestation of nature, monotheism assigns to the Good God and Lucifer (Satan, the adversary) to bad but it is through myth, both events, Prometheus and Lucifer, have equal value in to mankind.
Well God is understood as absolute and unlimited perfection, his ways are inscrutable, like the image and the drawings, although they may be tortuous and incomprehensible, always lead to good. Lucifer, however, is free will, disobedience to a street, as inscrutable, is directed to the Good, and that is not granted to him to know. Rebelling against God, but, above all, trying to replace him, commits an impiety, hence the identification with the absolute Evil. Unlike Prometheus, the figure of Lucifer, has been absorbed, metabolized, philosophy, and theology first, then coming up to us as the negative image of excellence. Surely the myth leaves ample room for reflection, outside of every form of religion, not least those that lead back to the why of Evil and Good.
Both Prometheus and Lucifer, and according to myth, have brought humanity to reflect on itself, providing a means of knowledge, and also the ability to discern what is Good and what is bad, but, as regards " use "of either, what I have left is the" free will ", or better, but leaving the instruments offered the opportunity of choice. The way in which humanity is doing can not be, if you want to follow the myth, leaning neither the one nor the other. ... i-lucifero
Gnostic explanation of Yahweh,Lucifer & creation
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.
John Milton"
“It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.”
Diane Grant
"sursum corda"
John Milton"
“It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.”
Diane Grant
"sursum corda"
- Σούπερ Ιδεογραφίτης
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 1679
- Εγγραφή: Παρ 20 Απρ 2007, 19:06
- Φύλο: Άνδρας
- Έλαβε Likes: 3 φορές
Re: The myth of Prometheus and the Fall of Lucifer
Prometheus Bound <=> Eosphorus Crucified
~ Ακραίο Επικοινωνιακό Φαινόμενο ~
Παλιγγίνης Ελευθέριος - HecarΧος HellΕυθερεύς
✩☿ Z ≡)))≡IΦI≡(((≡ ϟ ☿✩
✩☿ Z ≡)))≡IΦI≡(((≡ ϟ ☿✩
✩☿ Z ≡)))≡IΦI≡(((≡ ϟ ☿✩
✩☿ Z ≡)))≡IΦI≡(((≡ ϟ ☿✩
- firefightergr
- "Δεν παίζεται" Ιδεογραφίτης
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 4070
- Εγγραφή: Παρ 08 Οκτ 2010, 17:58
- Φύλο: Άνδρας
- Τοποθεσία: ΔΡΑΜΑ
- Έλαβε Likes: 6 φορές
Re: The myth of Prometheus and the Fall of Lucifer
Beyond Mythology: the Anunnaki Gods of Sumer
The Anunnaki are the primary group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e. Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian).
The name means something to the effect of "those of royal blood" or "princely offspring", and has also been interpreted as "those who from heavan to earth came".
"are the Sumerian deities of the old primordial line; deities of fertility, associated eventually with the underworld, where they became judges. They take their name from the old sky god Anu."
Their relation to the group of gods known as the Igigi is not always clear – at times the names are used synonymously, but in the Atra-Hasis flood myth the Igigi are the sixth generation of the Gods who have to work for the Anunnaki, rebelling after 40 days and replaced by the creation of humans.
pic upload
The Enuma Elish (also known as The Seven Tablets of Creation) is the Mesopotamian creation myth whose title is derived from the opening lines of the piece, `When on High'. In their Epic of Creation, it is said that there are 300 lgigu of heaven.
When the Anunnaki appear in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish (the late version magnifying Marduk), after the creation of mankind, Marduk divides the Anunnaki and assigns them to their proper stations, in heaven and on the earth.
The Annunaki are mentioned in The Epic of Gilgamesh when Utnapishtim tells the story of the flood, which shares many similarities with Noah's deluge in the Bible.
In the Sumerian tale, the seven judges of the underworld are called the Annunaki, and they set the land aflame as the storm is approaching.
According to later Assyrian and Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods, themselves the children of Anshar and Kishar (Skypivot and Earthpivot, the Celestial poles), who in turn were the children of Lahamu and Lahmu ("the muddy ones"), names given to the gatekeepers of the Abzu (House of Far Waters) temple at Eridu, the site at which the creation was thought to have occurred.
In his book, The Cosmic Code, author Zecharia Sitchin writes:
"There was a time, the Sumerians told, when civilized Man was not yet on Earth, when animals were only wild and undomesticated and crops were not yet cultivated. At that long ago time there arrived on Earth a group of fifty Anunnaki.
"Lead by a leader whose name was E.A. (meaning "Whose home is water ") they journeyed from their home planet NIBIRU and, reaching Earth, splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf... The time: 445,000 years ago. " (p.42)
The story, one of the oldest, if not the oldest in the world, concerns the birth of the gods and the creation of the universe and human beings. In the epic, Ea creates Lullu, the first man, to be a helper to the gods in their eternal task of maintaining order and keeping chaos at bay.
As the poem phrases it:
"Ea created mankind/On whom he imposed the service of the gods, and set the gods free."
Following this, Marduk "arranged the organization of the netherworld" and distributed the gods to their appointed stations. The poem ends with long praise of Marduk for his accomplishments.
It is said that one reason they came to earth in the first place was to obtain gold. A complex mining operation was begun which later, after revolts, required human hybrid slaves as labor.
Because their home planet Nibiru goes far out into space, these beings are in darkness and misery much of the time; when they approach the sun again they delight in visiting our planet Earth with the feminine essence of the Goddess so vibrant and living upon her.
There is evidence of these visits, including sexual encounters and hybrid offspring, throughout ancient history, particularly in the Sumerian culture.
It is written that when the Anunnaki visit our planet they interfere with its natural rhythms and nature. Being more technologically advanced with much longer lifespans, they were said to have genetically manipulated us in the distant past and considered us as their domesticated workers, or slaves, for their gold mines and to make their lives easier.
There is a part in Genesis of the Grail Kings, written by Laurence Gardner, which portrays the Anunnaki role in the history of mankind as parental and as teachers:
"The Sumerians 'believed’ that their main purpose in life was to serve the Anunnaki by providing them with food, drink, and habitation. In return, they were educated, trained in social skills, and academic affairs, and the products of this training are abundantly clear from their writings." (p. 102) ... sumer.html
The Anunnaki are the primary group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e. Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian).
The name means something to the effect of "those of royal blood" or "princely offspring", and has also been interpreted as "those who from heavan to earth came".
"are the Sumerian deities of the old primordial line; deities of fertility, associated eventually with the underworld, where they became judges. They take their name from the old sky god Anu."
Their relation to the group of gods known as the Igigi is not always clear – at times the names are used synonymously, but in the Atra-Hasis flood myth the Igigi are the sixth generation of the Gods who have to work for the Anunnaki, rebelling after 40 days and replaced by the creation of humans.
pic upload
The Enuma Elish (also known as The Seven Tablets of Creation) is the Mesopotamian creation myth whose title is derived from the opening lines of the piece, `When on High'. In their Epic of Creation, it is said that there are 300 lgigu of heaven.
When the Anunnaki appear in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish (the late version magnifying Marduk), after the creation of mankind, Marduk divides the Anunnaki and assigns them to their proper stations, in heaven and on the earth.
The Annunaki are mentioned in The Epic of Gilgamesh when Utnapishtim tells the story of the flood, which shares many similarities with Noah's deluge in the Bible.
In the Sumerian tale, the seven judges of the underworld are called the Annunaki, and they set the land aflame as the storm is approaching.
According to later Assyrian and Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods, themselves the children of Anshar and Kishar (Skypivot and Earthpivot, the Celestial poles), who in turn were the children of Lahamu and Lahmu ("the muddy ones"), names given to the gatekeepers of the Abzu (House of Far Waters) temple at Eridu, the site at which the creation was thought to have occurred.
In his book, The Cosmic Code, author Zecharia Sitchin writes:
"There was a time, the Sumerians told, when civilized Man was not yet on Earth, when animals were only wild and undomesticated and crops were not yet cultivated. At that long ago time there arrived on Earth a group of fifty Anunnaki.
"Lead by a leader whose name was E.A. (meaning "Whose home is water ") they journeyed from their home planet NIBIRU and, reaching Earth, splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf... The time: 445,000 years ago. " (p.42)
The story, one of the oldest, if not the oldest in the world, concerns the birth of the gods and the creation of the universe and human beings. In the epic, Ea creates Lullu, the first man, to be a helper to the gods in their eternal task of maintaining order and keeping chaos at bay.
As the poem phrases it:
"Ea created mankind/On whom he imposed the service of the gods, and set the gods free."
Following this, Marduk "arranged the organization of the netherworld" and distributed the gods to their appointed stations. The poem ends with long praise of Marduk for his accomplishments.
It is said that one reason they came to earth in the first place was to obtain gold. A complex mining operation was begun which later, after revolts, required human hybrid slaves as labor.
Because their home planet Nibiru goes far out into space, these beings are in darkness and misery much of the time; when they approach the sun again they delight in visiting our planet Earth with the feminine essence of the Goddess so vibrant and living upon her.
There is evidence of these visits, including sexual encounters and hybrid offspring, throughout ancient history, particularly in the Sumerian culture.
It is written that when the Anunnaki visit our planet they interfere with its natural rhythms and nature. Being more technologically advanced with much longer lifespans, they were said to have genetically manipulated us in the distant past and considered us as their domesticated workers, or slaves, for their gold mines and to make their lives easier.
There is a part in Genesis of the Grail Kings, written by Laurence Gardner, which portrays the Anunnaki role in the history of mankind as parental and as teachers:
"The Sumerians 'believed’ that their main purpose in life was to serve the Anunnaki by providing them with food, drink, and habitation. In return, they were educated, trained in social skills, and academic affairs, and the products of this training are abundantly clear from their writings." (p. 102) ... sumer.html
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.
John Milton"
“It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.”
Diane Grant
"sursum corda"
John Milton"
“It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.”
Diane Grant
"sursum corda"