To all free thinkers: Think about Macedonia for pity's sake

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Δημοσιεύσεις: 66942
Εγγραφή: Κυρ 15 Απρ 2007, 01:29
Irc ψευδώνυμο: ArELa
Φύλο: Γυναίκα
Έδωσε Likes: 1879 φορές
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To all free thinkers: Think about Macedonia for pity's sake

Δημοσίευση από ArELa » Παρ 07 Σεπ 2018, 10:48

The issue of Macedonia is real and VITAL for the Greek nation.
It constitutes betrayal, not only by the nation's governments (since the early 90's
when this issue arose and now reaching a climax) but by the peoples of the West as a whole.
Betrayal not only to Greece as a historical entity, but to values, to ethics,
to history itself.
Check your historical facts, people. Ask a well versed historian if you're
too busy or lazy to sit down and research yourself, and after
you get your facts straight, do the math.

Greece and its civilization has been there from time immemorial,
Alexander the Great king of the ancient GREEK Macedonian kingdom,
is a true GREEK MACEDONIAN who lived almost four centuries
before Christ for heaven's sake, and the Slavs only appeared in the region north
to GREEK Macedonia, around the 1300's (AD)
Some say around the 6th century (AD) but even so, it's still
almost a thousand years after Alexander...


So how can any logical person, accept the logical fallacy that the Slavic
nation north to the Greek borders, are suddenly entitled to claim Alexander
was "theirs", that Macedonia is their rightful name, and the ancient Macedonian culture
THEIR heritage? The idiot (or should I say bastards) politicians even accepted
that the Slavic language is "Macedonian" language...when it is beyond any
doubt that ancient Macedonians spoke GREEK (Hellenic) and that the
Slavic language was not even around then...

Think people, and think AUTONOMOUSLY (Greek word for "think for your selves")
don't let the idiotic politics lead you by the nose AGAIN, just because some secret
societies on this planet have their own reasons to hate and usurp Greece
every chance they get, and they're doing a good job at it nowadays,
with the vultures preying over her, genociding the nation with a manufactured
debt and without even a shot being fired. But that's another story, which
I wrote about here in 2013 and now it's even worse...

Back to the Macedonian issue:

Aristotle was Macedonian
are we gong to call him a Slav too now?

FACT: Secret societies, are against humanity, not only against Greece...
so they are against YOU for all intents and purposes, too. How wise is it
of you to follow suit and accept their political crime (as far as history
is concerned) in this case, by calling this country Macedonia?
Monkeydonia would be a more appropriate term, as they are
distorting history, right in front of our eyes.

By standing (even unwittingly) against the Greek nation on this one,
you are standing against philosophy, arts and sciences and a great
civilization which is part of yours are standing against
Historical truth, ethics, even the Greek (Hellenic) language that is the mother
of all ( at least western ) tongues... You people carry a huge part
of the Greek language in your vocabulary which enables you to express
higher thoughts, to articulate scientific terms, to excel in verbalizing
your communications...

Think long and hard... and don't let this historical crime be
established by calling this country "Macedonia"

Even the Skopjans themselves are admitting to this
while our treacherous Greek politicians are
carrying out the orders given by their bosses...


Δεν περιμένω τίποτα, δεν ελπίζω σε τίποτα,
δεν καταλαβαίνω τίποτα, είμαι ξανθιά κι ελεύθερη...

τα κανάλια μου /my channels:
στο vasoula2908 και στο vasoula2908asteria
στο Βrighteon,
στο Bitchute
στο Rumble
Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 66942
Εγγραφή: Κυρ 15 Απρ 2007, 01:29
Irc ψευδώνυμο: ArELa
Φύλο: Γυναίκα
Έδωσε Likes: 1879 φορές
Έλαβε Likes: 2770 φορές

Re: To all free thinkers: Think about Macedonia for pity's sake

Δημοσίευση από ArELa » Τρί 02 Οκτ 2018, 10:36


Δεν περιμένω τίποτα, δεν ελπίζω σε τίποτα,
δεν καταλαβαίνω τίποτα, είμαι ξανθιά κι ελεύθερη...

τα κανάλια μου /my channels:
στο vasoula2908 και στο vasoula2908asteria
στο Βrighteon,
στο Bitchute
στο Rumble
Άβαταρ μέλους
Επόπτης Δημοθοινίας
Επόπτης Δημοθοινίας
Δημοσιεύσεις: 12080
Εγγραφή: Σάβ 30 Οκτ 2010, 21:58
Φύλο: Άνδρας
Έδωσε Likes: 411 φορές
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Re: To all free thinkers: Think about Macedonia for pity's sake

Δημοσίευση από OTTO » Τετ 09 Οκτ 2019, 12:05

There is no greek expansionism. Just pure historical truth.

Δεν έχετε τα απαραίτητα δικαιώματα για να δείτε τα συνημμένα αρχεία σε αυτή τη δημοσίευση.
~ το υπεραναλυτικό κάθαρμα ~
~ ένα σκουπίδι που απλώς ονειροπολεί ~

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