Police hidden among Demonstrators as a plan....

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Δημοσιεύσεις: 9
Εγγραφή: Τετ 31 Μαρ 2010, 11:38
Irc ψευδώνυμο: ORION
Φύλο: Άνδρας

Police hidden among Demonstrators as a plan....

Δημοσίευση από JKoulouris » Παρ 02 Ιούλ 2010, 17:22

Police hidden among Demonstrators as a plan to start violence in peaceful demonstrations.‏

Hello Everyone;

You don't expect to see evidence of such a thing, but if you are wondering who starts the violence among
peaceful protesters in G* and G20 Summit Meetings, take a look at this Video to get rhe shock of your Lives.

Watch this and tell me who really starts the violence in Peaceful Protests like the G8 and G20 Meetings in Toronto and everywhere else?

(Undercover POLICE Officers dressed as protesters to start riots and blame it on Protesters)

What You Need to Know about why so many Protest around the Worls are occuring (VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU SEE THIS ONE)

Videos of Toronto 2010 G8 and G20 Summit Riots;

(How to Protect your Right if Confronted by Forced Authority)

Regards, and Yiasas,


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