Η Βαλκάνιοι "γείτονες" οικειοποιούνται το Βυζάντιο
- Dhmellhn
- Επίτιμος
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 4046
- Εγγραφή: Τετ 18 Απρ 2007, 15:16
- Φύλο: Άνδρας
- Τοποθεσία: ΕΛ-ΛΑΣ
- Έδωσε Likes: 27 φορές
- Έλαβε Likes: 71 φορές
Η Βαλκάνιοι "γείτονες" οικειοποιούνται το Βυζάντιο
Ενώ εδώ και 5 χρόνια ομφαλοσκοπούμε με τα μνημόνια και τα αντιμνημόνια, οι βαλκάνιοι "γείτονες" μας έχουν βαλθεί να καπηλευθούν την Βυζαντινή μας κληρονομιά. Ο Βούλγαρος (και κρυφοκομιτατζής) διαχειριστής στην ομάδα του facebook: Great Eastern Roman Empire υποβαθμίζει την Ελληνική πρωτοκαθεδρία στην Βυζαντινή πολυεθνική μεν αλλά μονοπολιτισμική Αυτοκρατορία. Του εδόθησαν οι ανάλογες τεκμηριωμένες απαντήσεις αλλά τόσο αυτός όσο και ένας "όψιμος" Πορτογάλος "υπερασπιστής των αδυνάτων" επιμένουν να καφρολογούν. Αυτό είναι ένα μόνον μικρό δείγμα για το τι λαμβάνει χώρα στο Διεθνές Περιβάλλον τη στιγμή που εμείς κοιμόμαστε.
Παρακάτω, ορισμένες απαντήσεις και καυτά ερωτήματα που δεν κατάφερε τόσο ο διαχειριστής όσο και ο "δικηγόρος" του να απαντήσουν επαρκώς:
- Every empire is multinational, it can't be done otherwise. Also, every empire has an ethnicity as the Main Shareholder of it. For example the Soviet Union had the Russians and their language (nobody denies it but Joseph Stalin was from Georgia). The Brittish Empire had the English and their language (again the Royal Family comes from the House of Hanover-Germany). The United States have the anglosaxons protestands and the language (but what about Kennedy, Obama). The same happened in Byzantium. The Byzantines themselves talik about their Greek legacy (Konstantinos H', John Vatatzis, Michael Palaiologos, Anna Comnenos, Michael Psellos, Eustathious (Bishop of Thessaloniki and one of the top scholars in Homer), Laonikos Halcokondylis, Niciforous Grigoras, Michael Attaleiatis, Nikitas Honiatis and others). It's simply the truth. We welcome the other nations to be part of the Byzantine Commonwealth in which Hellenisn is one of the three basic pylons (the others Christianity (especially the eastern Church the Greek Orthodox Church) and Roman Law and Govern.
- Matthew of Edessa and Aristekes of Lastivert wrote in the beggining of 12 Century about Byzantine Greeks, "Hellenes" who conquered the Armenian capital Anion in 1045...What are they meaning with this???
- Robert de Clary is speaking about the fourth Crusade as "Expeditio contra Graecos"....What is he meaning with this statement?
- Also, the Varagians gravestones in southern Sweden and Norway are full of inscriptions about Norsemen who died in "the land of the Greeks"..(Griiklland)..What they are meaning with this???
- Of course we must consider why "Roman" writers like Skylitzes, Attaleiates, Kedrenos, Zonaras etc insist to categorize differently the "Romans" instead of Bulgarians Armenians, Syrians etc...For example, Attaleiates when he speaks about the Turkish campaign of Romanus IV Diogenes in 1069, he speaks of "Roman troops along with Armenians (Not to be confused with Armeniakon theme) Frankish Mersenaries, Bulgarians, and all other barbarians who were there"...What did he mean by that? If the Bulgarians and Armenians were "Romaioi" why he seperates them? And, he is not the only to do that....
- Kamal- Al-Din in 13th speaks also about Nikephoros II Phokas, and Ioannis Tsimiskis, as "Yanani-al-maliki) "Greek Kings)...What is he meaning with this?
- Frederick Barbarossa in a letter towards Manuel I Komninos in 12 November 1176, mention him as ''King of the Greeks" "Regnum Graecum"..What he meant with this?
- And by whom the Greek Language was made international? Have you ever considered this? Listen, you can't convince because your arguments are weak. Every Great Byzantinologist is writing about the Greek Nature of the Empire and you keep talking about ethnicity with modern term. Here are very few samples of what are these Historians write: George Ostrogorsky is writing about the Greek Legacy of Byzantium (History of the Byzantine State), Helen Ahrweiller writes about the Ancient Hellenism and the Medieval Greekness (Political ideology of the Byzantine State), Martin Jugie is talking about Greekness and Orthodoxy that the Byzantines must defend every time (Le Schisme des Eglises), Albert Jourcin says that the Crusaders in 1204 envied the Greek Empire ( l'histoire les hommes les civilisations depuis les origines), Alexander Vasiliev speaks for Greeks when he refers to the opponents of Pope Klemes 4rth, Charles d'Anjou and Baldouin B' (History of the Byzantine Empire). And there are many more...
- For the Portuguese: First of all I'm Greek (Hellin, Danaos, Jonah, Romios, all the same) and not Cypriot. Second: I don't need a history lesson as I' m Historian and I've also written a book about Byzantium. The main point is that no matter the name "Roman Empire" the Greek element was ahead. Byzantium (the name that Hieronymus Wolf gave for that empire in 1562) began as a Roman state and by the years became a kind of a Hellenistic state (till 1204), to end up in a Greek state from 1261 till 1453 (Multinational but with one culture). Already, since the early 5th century, we trace the Hellenization. In the university of Contasntinople there were 11 hydras of Greek and 10 for Latin. Furthermore an edict, during the reign of Theodosious II, gave orders that the official documents should be written also in Greek (except Latin). In the 6th century Justinian decided to publish the new laws (Novellae, part of Corpus Iuris Civilis) only in Greek. This shows that there were very few latin speakers in Byzantium (and no native Romans because they had already been extincted). In the 7th century Heraclius added the greek title ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥC. During the Macedonian Dynasty it took place the Macedonian Renaissance because of the growth of Greek Culture. There are plenty of evidence showing the Greek influence emphasizing the Greek nature of the empire, one of the three pylons on which it stood. Carlomagnus and the other western people called the empire Greek, because they wanted to keep the name "Roman" for themselves serving their political purpose to introduce the newly born western empire as ecumenical. And here we have the CRUCIAL question that you and all the others supporting the non Greek existence in Byzantium can not anwer: "Why, among all the other nations that the empire was constituded of, the western chose the name GREEK? At the end (for the time benig), speaking about Paul Magdalino you mentioned, in his chapter in the collective book (edited by Cyril Mango) "The Oxford History of Byzantium" he writes that Otto III (son of Otto II and Theophano) is half Greek (the other half German). And the torturous question for you is: Why again GREEK? Where are the Romans? Where are the others (the Armenians, the Slavs, the Syrians e.t.c)?
Και η μάχη εναντίον των παραχαρακτών συνεχίζεται...
Παρακάτω, ορισμένες απαντήσεις και καυτά ερωτήματα που δεν κατάφερε τόσο ο διαχειριστής όσο και ο "δικηγόρος" του να απαντήσουν επαρκώς:
- Every empire is multinational, it can't be done otherwise. Also, every empire has an ethnicity as the Main Shareholder of it. For example the Soviet Union had the Russians and their language (nobody denies it but Joseph Stalin was from Georgia). The Brittish Empire had the English and their language (again the Royal Family comes from the House of Hanover-Germany). The United States have the anglosaxons protestands and the language (but what about Kennedy, Obama). The same happened in Byzantium. The Byzantines themselves talik about their Greek legacy (Konstantinos H', John Vatatzis, Michael Palaiologos, Anna Comnenos, Michael Psellos, Eustathious (Bishop of Thessaloniki and one of the top scholars in Homer), Laonikos Halcokondylis, Niciforous Grigoras, Michael Attaleiatis, Nikitas Honiatis and others). It's simply the truth. We welcome the other nations to be part of the Byzantine Commonwealth in which Hellenisn is one of the three basic pylons (the others Christianity (especially the eastern Church the Greek Orthodox Church) and Roman Law and Govern.
- Matthew of Edessa and Aristekes of Lastivert wrote in the beggining of 12 Century about Byzantine Greeks, "Hellenes" who conquered the Armenian capital Anion in 1045...What are they meaning with this???
- Robert de Clary is speaking about the fourth Crusade as "Expeditio contra Graecos"....What is he meaning with this statement?
- Also, the Varagians gravestones in southern Sweden and Norway are full of inscriptions about Norsemen who died in "the land of the Greeks"..(Griiklland)..What they are meaning with this???
- Of course we must consider why "Roman" writers like Skylitzes, Attaleiates, Kedrenos, Zonaras etc insist to categorize differently the "Romans" instead of Bulgarians Armenians, Syrians etc...For example, Attaleiates when he speaks about the Turkish campaign of Romanus IV Diogenes in 1069, he speaks of "Roman troops along with Armenians (Not to be confused with Armeniakon theme) Frankish Mersenaries, Bulgarians, and all other barbarians who were there"...What did he mean by that? If the Bulgarians and Armenians were "Romaioi" why he seperates them? And, he is not the only to do that....
- Kamal- Al-Din in 13th speaks also about Nikephoros II Phokas, and Ioannis Tsimiskis, as "Yanani-al-maliki) "Greek Kings)...What is he meaning with this?
- Frederick Barbarossa in a letter towards Manuel I Komninos in 12 November 1176, mention him as ''King of the Greeks" "Regnum Graecum"..What he meant with this?
- And by whom the Greek Language was made international? Have you ever considered this? Listen, you can't convince because your arguments are weak. Every Great Byzantinologist is writing about the Greek Nature of the Empire and you keep talking about ethnicity with modern term. Here are very few samples of what are these Historians write: George Ostrogorsky is writing about the Greek Legacy of Byzantium (History of the Byzantine State), Helen Ahrweiller writes about the Ancient Hellenism and the Medieval Greekness (Political ideology of the Byzantine State), Martin Jugie is talking about Greekness and Orthodoxy that the Byzantines must defend every time (Le Schisme des Eglises), Albert Jourcin says that the Crusaders in 1204 envied the Greek Empire ( l'histoire les hommes les civilisations depuis les origines), Alexander Vasiliev speaks for Greeks when he refers to the opponents of Pope Klemes 4rth, Charles d'Anjou and Baldouin B' (History of the Byzantine Empire). And there are many more...
- For the Portuguese: First of all I'm Greek (Hellin, Danaos, Jonah, Romios, all the same) and not Cypriot. Second: I don't need a history lesson as I' m Historian and I've also written a book about Byzantium. The main point is that no matter the name "Roman Empire" the Greek element was ahead. Byzantium (the name that Hieronymus Wolf gave for that empire in 1562) began as a Roman state and by the years became a kind of a Hellenistic state (till 1204), to end up in a Greek state from 1261 till 1453 (Multinational but with one culture). Already, since the early 5th century, we trace the Hellenization. In the university of Contasntinople there were 11 hydras of Greek and 10 for Latin. Furthermore an edict, during the reign of Theodosious II, gave orders that the official documents should be written also in Greek (except Latin). In the 6th century Justinian decided to publish the new laws (Novellae, part of Corpus Iuris Civilis) only in Greek. This shows that there were very few latin speakers in Byzantium (and no native Romans because they had already been extincted). In the 7th century Heraclius added the greek title ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥC. During the Macedonian Dynasty it took place the Macedonian Renaissance because of the growth of Greek Culture. There are plenty of evidence showing the Greek influence emphasizing the Greek nature of the empire, one of the three pylons on which it stood. Carlomagnus and the other western people called the empire Greek, because they wanted to keep the name "Roman" for themselves serving their political purpose to introduce the newly born western empire as ecumenical. And here we have the CRUCIAL question that you and all the others supporting the non Greek existence in Byzantium can not anwer: "Why, among all the other nations that the empire was constituded of, the western chose the name GREEK? At the end (for the time benig), speaking about Paul Magdalino you mentioned, in his chapter in the collective book (edited by Cyril Mango) "The Oxford History of Byzantium" he writes that Otto III (son of Otto II and Theophano) is half Greek (the other half German). And the torturous question for you is: Why again GREEK? Where are the Romans? Where are the others (the Armenians, the Slavs, the Syrians e.t.c)?
Και η μάχη εναντίον των παραχαρακτών συνεχίζεται...
Δεν έχουμε αιώνιους συμμάχους ούτε διηνεκείς εχθρούς. Τα συμφέροντά μας είναι αιώνια και διηνεκή. Αυτά έχουμε καθήκον να τα προασπίσουμε. (ΛΟΡΔΟΣ ΠΑΛΜΕΡΣΤΟΝ)
Re: Η Βαλκάνιοι "γείτονες" οικειοποιούνται το Βυζάντιο
Δεν εχω τις απαιτουμενες ιστορικες γνωσεις για να σχηματισω αποψη για το θεμα.
- Dhmellhn
- Επίτιμος
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 4046
- Εγγραφή: Τετ 18 Απρ 2007, 15:16
- Φύλο: Άνδρας
- Τοποθεσία: ΕΛ-ΛΑΣ
- Έδωσε Likes: 27 φορές
- Έλαβε Likes: 71 φορές
Re: Η Βαλκάνιοι "γείτονες" οικειοποιούνται το Βυζάντιο
Οι Βούλγαροι προπαγανδιστές δεν άντεξαν στην παράθεση πληθώρας στοιχείων και διέγραψαν μαζικά όσους έχουν την αντίθετη γνώμη με αυτούς. Η ουσία είναι ότι δεν θα μένει τίποτε αναπάντητο σε όσους επιχειρούν να πλαστογραφήσουν την Ιστορία.
Πιο κάτω συνέντευξη του Sir Steven Ranciman, για τους ιστορικούς αναθεωρητές που τον θεωρούν παρωχημένο:
http://akrokorinthos.blogspot.gr/2011/1 ... about.html
Πιο κάτω συνέντευξη του Sir Steven Ranciman, για τους ιστορικούς αναθεωρητές που τον θεωρούν παρωχημένο:
http://akrokorinthos.blogspot.gr/2011/1 ... about.html
Δεν έχουμε αιώνιους συμμάχους ούτε διηνεκείς εχθρούς. Τα συμφέροντά μας είναι αιώνια και διηνεκή. Αυτά έχουμε καθήκον να τα προασπίσουμε. (ΛΟΡΔΟΣ ΠΑΛΜΕΡΣΤΟΝ)