Η αναζήτηση βρήκε 8 εγγραφές

από JKoulouris
Τετ 08 Απρ 2015, 12:01
Δ. Συζήτηση: English speaking IDEOforum
Θέμα: From J Koulouris
Απαντήσεις: 0
Προβολές: 4426

From J Koulouris

Financial expert, Mr. Bill Holter, is interviewed by USAWATCHDOG, and gives an VERY CRITICAL UPDATE about the United States and Global Economies and Markets, on TOXIC DERIVATIVES CONTRACTS, (CDS- Credit Default Swaps), and Global Geopolitics. Ο οικονομικός εμπειρογνώμονας, ο κ. Bill Holter, περνά απ...
από JKoulouris
Παρ 26 Απρ 2013, 19:02
Δ. Συζήτηση: English speaking IDEOforum
Απαντήσεις: 4
Προβολές: 2302


ΥΨΗΛΉ ΠΡΟΤΕΡΑΙΟΤΗΤΑ ; LPAC - EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) REPORT - The CYPRUS TEMPLATE - YOUR MONEY AND YOUR LIFE - Who Planned The Seizure of the Depositors Funds and the CYPRUS Bank Collapse? (Report and Document Attached) /////// LPAC - ΈΚΘΕΣΗ EIR (εκτελεστική αναθεώρηση νοημοσύνης) - το Π...
από JKoulouris
Παρ 02 Ιούλ 2010, 17:22
Δ. Συζήτηση: English speaking IDEOforum
Θέμα: Police hidden among Demonstrators as a plan....
Απαντήσεις: 0
Προβολές: 1489

Police hidden among Demonstrators as a plan....

Police hidden among Demonstrators as a plan to start violence in peaceful demonstrations.‏ Hello Everyone; You don't expect to see evidence of such a thing, but if you are wondering who starts the violence among peaceful protesters in G* and G20 Summit Meetings, take a look at this Video to get rhe...
από JKoulouris
Πέμ 17 Ιουν 2010, 10:29
Δ. Συζήτηση: English speaking IDEOforum
Θέμα: Coat of arms!!
Απαντήσεις: 0
Προβολές: 1395

Coat of arms!!

(greek/english subtitles)
από JKoulouris
Παρ 11 Ιουν 2010, 13:12
Δ. Συζήτηση: English speaking IDEOforum
Θέμα: Israeli attack on International Aid Flotilla
Απαντήσεις: 1
Προβολές: 1435

Israeli attack on International Aid Flotilla

Ever ask yourself why Palestine was taken away from the Palestinian People? Ever ask yourself what was the plan, and what was used to decieve the world as a pretext to doing such a thing? Anyone ask themselves who's idea it was to take the entire globe into endless wars for the last 100 years? So. e...
από JKoulouris
Παρ 14 Μάιος 2010, 02:56
Δ. Συζήτηση: English speaking IDEOforum
Απαντήσεις: 1
Προβολές: 1741


THE IMF and WORLD BANK and the Plan to destabilize Europe. Who is causing the World Economic Crisis? http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/649/humptydumptysatonthestr.jpg HUMPTY DUMPTY sat on the Street Wall, GOLDMAN SACHS is about to Fall ! Reasons why GREECE MUST HOLD REFERENDUM, and resist the IMF ...
από JKoulouris
Παρ 14 Μάιος 2010, 02:46
Δ. Συζήτηση: English speaking IDEOforum
Θέμα: Greece and Spain Ministers in Bilderberg Meeting
Απαντήσεις: 4
Προβολές: 2054

Greece and Spain Ministers in Bilderberg Meeting

Greece and Spain Ministers in Bilderberg Meeting of 2006 Here is an article from METRO Newspaper, which states that among the attendants to the 2006 Bilderberg Meeting in Kanata, Ontario, Canada, that there were Ministers from the Governments of Greece and Spain that were at this meeting as well. Y...
από JKoulouris
Παρ 14 Μάιος 2010, 02:41
Δ. Συζήτηση: English speaking IDEOforum
Απαντήσεις: 0
Προβολές: 1454


VIDEO and Articles.....Elite's Urging New GLOBAL MONETARY AUTHORITY CRISIS BY DESIGN Video; Ex- Banker Gives testimony on Future Plans of the Corporate Bankers for World Domination; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN5xKwhTU40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve_sCpntsTE&feature=related http://www.yout...

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